Yo Yo.
That's right. no mind reading here,
but a good mind fucking is acceptable.
i was just wondering if anyone knows what year the jw's banned smoking and celebrating christmas.
plus, anyone here still know active jw's that still smoke secretly?
i know a couple that do.
Yo Yo.
That's right. no mind reading here,
but a good mind fucking is acceptable.
the spiritually mature man/woman is one that is under the headship of jehovah and jesus.
1 corinthians 11:3 "but i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the christ is god.
the typical man feels that he is the head of the family and have only themselves to consider, he doesn't even think of what god would think of his actions or thoughts.
The Bible makes for great
toilet paper...
It's a fairytale that
is passed from generation
to generation.
1. we got pubs.
1000's and 1000's of pubs.. 2. liz hurley.. 3. manchester united.. 4. the harrier / concorde / a380xxx.
5. we got more overseas territories than anyone.it is still true, even now.. 6. the s.a.s.. 7. lots and lots of steam railways!.
Don't forget
Bangers and Mash
One of my favorite English Dishes.
And killer cooking shows like "The two fat ladies".
this was inspired by another poster whole claimed in another thread that jw's were catagorically the worst cult.. i've done a little reading on other cults.
okay, being a jw is quite bad.
oh boy!
Chuck had the year 1980, maybe '81 pegged as the
year of the end. His understanding
of the scriptures changes as much as the witnesses as well.
Both born again christians and witnesses both share
the shortsighted view in life. Wait on Jesus (Jehovah).
Both religions share the same zeal for being gods only
channel of salvation.
If you have been to a Calvery Chapel, you would see
the same mind f..k in action.
Born Again Christians are as fanitical about Jesus
as Witnesses are about Jehovah.
this was inspired by another poster whole claimed in another thread that jw's were catagorically the worst cult.. i've done a little reading on other cults.
okay, being a jw is quite bad.
oh boy!
I would rank "Chuck Smith Born-Again Christianity"
up there right next to the Witnesses.
They are identical to the Witnesses in my eyes.
have you seen the latest awake!?.
i'll be bringing out a few more issues.
any ideas?
Fred, you are one ugly dude!
with no encouragement from others?
what cognitive tools do you use to keep yourselves from going under?
what strategy implementation do you employ to stay as positive as possible?
Eating, Beer, Drugs, and sex somtimes..
well the dubs were told in no uncertain terms........... *** km 1/90 8 identifying kingdom halls ***.
identifying kingdom halls.
1 each kingdom hall should be clearly identified by an appropriate sign that reads: kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses.. .
Look for Fredhall taking the shit on
the toilet. Then you will now for
certain that it's the Kingdom Hall.
it was on last night's show.. what was your opinion?.
I asked you.
it was on last night's show.. what was your opinion?.
Maybe Jesus was the demon?
I agree with you Lilacs,
Go to a local Calvery Chapel
and you will find alot
of dried up drug addicts.